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Praying for Healing

A one off payment for the duration of the time I am praying until the individual is back in balanced

1 h
50 British pounds
Location 1

Service Description

I pray to My Spirit Benevolent Guides, to intervene, where this is for the highest good for the person, asking me to pray for him/her. I pray until Balance is restored. There are times when I am guided to ask the individual, to do certain affirmations, in order that they participate in changing the root cause of their dis-ease. This is because most of all ill-health starts from our thoughts and feelings. So far, I have had great success. Disclaimer I am Not a medical person. I advise you to contact your own Health/Medical Practitioner; for guidance and treatment for all your health issues. When you choose to go ahead with my services, it is entirely up to you. It is your Free Choice and I cannot be held responsible for any adverse effects. And in my experience, all that I do, has no adverse effects!

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