Beautiful Beloved Souls, We, the three Mothers, Goddesses, and whatever else you wish to call us, come to you in this moment, showering you with our endless Love. We are with you in every moment of your existence. We watch with amusement at times, as you go about your challenges. Some of them are what you need at this time to get stronger and better on your individual journeys.
Beloveds, you are truly doing very well! The challenges thrown at you are truly incredible as teachers and helping you see the side of you that is truly Loving, caring, and is embracing unconditional love. Unconditional love is a journey all on its own. However, we are very aware that some of you are already on that path of choosing to Not Judge, and instead be the observers and witnesses, accepting others and whatever paths people choose, as what is right for those individuals at that particular moment.
Dear Beloveds, each and everyone of you are here at this particular time because it is truly the right time for your own individual journeys to come to a point of roundedness. What we mean is, come to where, you know things without knowing how you know; because you are communicating with your Divine Self in a very meaningful and specific manner; with deep Trust and knowing that you are looked after in each and every step of the path you are on.
Beloved Souls, every person you come across, either in a good way or negative way; is there for you to grow. Which direction you choose to grow, is up to you. There’s always two ways to choose from, here in the planet of duality. The two ways are clearly fear or love.
Fear is loaded! With judgements of self or others, anxiety, stress, confusion, and a lot more of unsavoury qualities and thoughts that never serve anyone.
Love is kindness to self and others. Being an observer and a witness instead of judgement. Elevating others instead of bringing them down. Love is joy, happiness, excitement and celebration of everyone you come across. Seeing beauty in everything and everyone. Wishing the very best for everyone.
The very moments that present to you as shock and trauma, are beautiful moments to shake your core, so you can dig deep within you, to find the Golden Treasures that have been lying dormant for a while, and also propelling you upwards, a few steps up your ladder to True Love and Remembering Of Who You Truly Are!
We love each and everyone of you.
Thank you Nomanono for this opportunity.
We are: Mother Mary, Goddess Isis, Goddess Quan Yin.
~ Mother Mary, Goddess Isis, Goddess Quan Yin