Beloved Beautiful Souls, I, Mother Mary come to you in this moment, showering each and everyone of you with my deepest love and deepest peace. Breathe in and accept my energies of love and peace, because you deserve them. You are so worthy of being love and peace. Of being the embodiment of love and peace. Letting all that does not serve you go. Because Beloveds, this is your time to be free of all the situations in your lives that do not serve you. It is time you smiled, felt happiness, felt deep gratitude on every moment. And you felt your power within you. Your personal strength, rising from the depths of your own heart and soul. This you know because you have had these moments, even though you have felt that it is a challenge to hold onto them.
Beloveds, it is okay in every moment you are existing; travelling on your sacred journey. Each and everyone of you have your own individual journeys and each journey is special, different and sacred because it is your learning path. Do not compare your life and reality to someone else’s life and reality. Be happy, and truly happy for someone else’s happiness and success. Because when you are happy for someone else’s good fortune; you are then calling good fortune to your own life and reality. You are opening yourself up to receiving all that is on your own paths. All the good things that are lining up for you and waiting for your receptivity.
When people, friends or your family members are making your life difficult, because they are jealous of who you are and what you are achieving for yourself, and doing their very best to hurt your feelings, bringing you down to their levels that tend to be a mixture of anger, jealousy, hatred of everything that you do and you feel that you can’t do anything right by any of them; it is time you completely cut ties with those family members or friends. Go deep within, into your heart, and send each and everyone of them your heartfelt love; and also from your own heart, send your deepest love to each and every cell of your body and to your energy fields, your aura; then ask Me and The Angels to take care of You as you move on beautifully, on your Own Journey, disassociating yourself from them, with Love.
Beloveds, you are here on your own individual journeys of healing and rising, letting go of all the old energies and old teachings and beliefs. You are here to enjoy your lives in the best way possible, in this lifetime. Forgive yourselves for the moments that you have felt angry at those who have done their best to bring you down with their words and actions, because they feel or felt threatened by your presence. Their fear based feelings are for them to be aware of and then fine tune their own soul’s journeys.
You, my dear Beloveds, if you can hear my words in this moment, You Are Powerful Conscious Creators! So, be very conscious of all thoughts and feelings that go through you, because; Beloveds, there’s a lot of chaos coming from the fact that a lot of people are vibrating in high frequencies, which then bring the opposite to those who are focusing on low and negative energies. You live in a planet of duality. Where one says this is right and the same thing that is right for one, is totally wrong for the other.
If you can focus on the knowing that there is no right and there is no wrong, all are there for the lessons on our journeys, for each one of us and our discernment and perspectives, all is good. I ask you to focus on Gratitude more than you have ever done! Feel your deepest gratitude for everything that shows up in your reality, what you see as bad and what you see as good. Everything is in your life for wonderful lessons, for you to change for the best. Observe your thoughts and feelings.
When you start judging others negatively, immediately change those judgmental thoughts to some beautiful loving thoughts, Beloveds. And be grateful for your awareness of the moment of judgement. Be grateful for a stranger greeting you and smiling as you go by your day. The more you are grateful, the more things will show up for you to be grateful for. And keep on being thankful/grateful for EVERYTHING! You are changing your lives beautifully and raising your frequencies by each thankful moment, deep gratitude at a moment.
I love each and everyone of you deeply.
Thank you Nomanono for this wonderful opportunity.
I am Mother Mary. I thank you.
~ Mother Mary