Beloved Beautiful Souls, I come to you in this moment with my intention to soothe your souls that are restless in some of you. My Intention in this wonderful moment is to be your balm of peace and that whenever your soul feels that there’s something that is not quite right and needs reassurance, you will remember my Intention and call or think of me to be with you.
I am always here and everywhere you go. So, whenever and wherever you are, I am too. I am only a thought away from you and within you; for we are Not separate. It is a big illusion that needs to gently be dropped, that tells you that I am somewhere above you in the heavens.
Where are the heavens beloveds? They are within your heart and soul. They are You when you fully open up to that realisation that you are the heavens, you are the universes, you are the Creator in your own right. And when you realise that whatever limitations that have hold on you, are very, very temporary. For you are True Love. True Light. True Truth! And what is Truth?
Each and everyone’s core truth may seem different from the other’s; however, the fundamental foundations are the same: they are your Trust in Your Self that you are no less than anyone else and you are one and the same as the Source Creator of the Universes and Galaxies because you are created in the same image, intention and the most complex engineering of your body to function as the Creator’s version of experiencing your life in your image, function, physicality, thoughts and feelings.
Each morning you wake up to do whatever, whether good or not so good, joyful or sad, you are in Union with God The Creator. You are the instrument through which The Creator, Source of all that Is, is experiencing life, the planet. Therefore, there is no difference between you and the next person you seat close to, in church, tube/underground station, in an aeroplane; while diving in deep seas. There is completely No separation beloveds. You are the Creator of your life, in whatever way it shows.
We, in the Inner Planes/Dimensions, are calling you now to open up to the vastness that you are. The Beauty that you are. The Infinite Soul and Source of creation of your own personal life, reality in your current journey. Beloveds, make intention to drop all doubts.
Drop all competition. Drop all judgements of self and others. Instead, be grateful for You, first and foremost. Be grateful for your beautiful body. Be grateful for your skeletal system, be grateful for each and every system that keeps you alive, for it is the LOVE, the LIGHT, the TRUTH THAT YOU INNATELY ARE which keeps you functioning in whichever way in your journey. Embrace who you are. And Rise And Shine, as The Beautiful Bright Beacon of Light that you are, just temporarily forgotten! It is time now for you to be The Light And The Way for yourself and for ALL!
I love each and everyone of you deeply.
Thank you Beautiful Nomanono for This Glorious Moment.
I am Master Yeshua/Jesus.
~Master Yeshua/Jesus