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A Moment with Mary Magdalene (12/07/23)

Beautiful Souls of Love, I come to you in this moment to just be with you. To love you and appreciate all that you are. All the efforts you are putting into your daily life. Having to do all the chores, that are waiting for you, and then be a “spiritual being.” It’s a challenge is it not? This one is laughing! At least someone sees something funny here!

Well, I think, when you are doing your very best to remember what it is that is very important to focus on, then something that you didn’t expect shows up, and then you have to think what part of you attracted that thing into your experience, what is it teaching you about Your frequency in this moment on now; that all on its own is a challenge. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to just be magically, in a state of continuous bliss? But wait; would that not be too boring? No! Of course not!

There are Spirit Benevolent Beings who are constantly in a state of Bliss and to them that’s the way they are and their way of existing. Okay, I hear you say: but they are not living in a planet of duality. Yes, I take your point, however, you chose to be in the planet of duality to rise above the challenges and limitations that you encounter in this planet.

You said, you were going to be so excellent, that you would astound yourself and everyone around you with your amazing abilities and dedication to being this awesome human, who rises above all challenges and attains a continuous state of Bliss as though living in a different planet other than earth, while in fact being on earth. You and your OverSoul were so clear on this. This was your most important decision you made for coming to this current lifetime. Even though you were aware of the possibilities of what you may have to go through, you were very sure that you would succeed. That you would conquer!

I tell you now, beautiful souls, you are on your journey and you are doing just fine. You are on target. You may think that you are far from achieving anything that raises your vibrations to a constant state of bliss, but you are close beloved souls. You may feel like you’re not getting anywhere, and yet, you are. From where I stand, you are doing amazingly. Keep up the good work. What is challenging now, is quickly paving a smooth path for you, because through your challenges, you are quickly becoming more confident in finding ways to approach your challenges in different ways and in this way, you are accelerating your progress.

Because you are all so loved by the Creator, there are a lot of wonderful energies that are being showered into your planet. The Divine energies are with you all. Whether you can feel them or not. You are not left out. If you don’t receive them in this moment, they will be there for you when you are ready to receive them. So, no one is left out.

I want to update you on what Mother Mary and I, together with the Angels started last week, on the instigation of Mother Mary, choosing to heal your ancestral lineages; that is going very well beloveds. We have been working on this nonstop since last week. And we are continuing. I only took time out to be with you in this moment. Your ancestors are very grateful, and there are many of them, as they are for everyone who has ever incarnated on earth. It is a huge task, only Mother Mary could think of such a great gift to each and everyone of you, as well as gifting those who are in the inner planes. What an amazing, loving Mother-in-law I have! I am very blessed as Mary Magdalene. And also, what a special aunt I have in Mother Mary! I am truly blessed.

Thank you Nomanono for this moment. I love each and everyone of you.

I am Mary Magdalene. I Thank you.

~ Mary Magdalene


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