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A Moment with Lord Buddha (04/01/25

Beloved Beautiful Souls, I Lord Buddha, come to you in this moment, with my deep love for each and everyone of you. I am very grateful and honoured to be here with each one of you, because there is a lot of excitement, expectation of wonderful things that this new year of 2025 is bringing forth to you.

Beloveds, it is you as individual souls on the planet who are creating your lives beautifully in each and every moment. You have learned that going inside and looking and feeling your feelings, knowing what you truly feel is the way for you to either accept with gratitude and joy where you are; or see that you need to pivot and look where you need to fine tune your way of thinking; and deciding whether it is right for you to focus on your thoughts/mind or your heart. Your true feelings that make your whole body flutter in joyful moments and feelings that you feel gently and sometimes subtly, as sensations through your body and with a soothing feeling. That Is Your True Love of Self. The love that you have always had.

It is now time to really enjoy yourself. Your body’s energy. Because your body is truly your loudest voice. For a very long time, we all focused on our thoughts. That is all that we knew until our awareness brought us to our feelings, in particular, our hearts. For a long time the brain is what we thought was the main important part of our lives, and yet, the heart is truly the major component of our consciousness.

So, open your hearts beautiful souls. Some of you have closed hearts because of the hurts that you have experienced. The pains that you have experienced will be holding you back until you realise that You cannot live in the past because that brings you more pain and more illnesses. Let the past stay in the past. Practise Forgiveness In Every Moment a situation that is hurtful shows up. These experiences show up so that you can get better at nipping them out of your body, immediately in order to bring yourself into a state of peacefulness. The peacefulness that will slowly become your embodiment, in time, as you continue to seek peace instead of suffering or fear.

When you are getting to a state of peace and self love, when you have a dollar or a pound in your purse and instead of feeling lack; you feel gratitude and joy for you know that money will show up because you know it will, then you have the knowing and deep joy because you Love yourself and your True Innate Love, Your Source Love, Is the guiding force; and that guiding force is You, Beloved Beautiful Souls. You came here as Love. Then you went into Unconsciousness. Now you are back in Consciousness! You are working your way back to the Magic Kingdom That IS YOU! Your Heart! You Are The Home Of All That You Are. Your Creator Source’s Residence! You Beloveds.

I love each and everyone of you deeply.

Thank you Nomanono for this moment.

I am Lord Buddha and I thank you.

~ Lord Buddha

A Moment with Apollo (15/01/25)

Beautiful Souls of planet Earth, I Apollo, the Greek Sun God; the Son of Zeus, come to you now, in this moment, with my deepest love for...


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