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A Moment with Lady Quan Yin (05/12/24)

Beautiful Souls, I, Lady Quan Yin come to you in this moment, showering you with my Love and Compassion. You are in times of clarity for some of you and yet for some of you, you are in confusion and pain. Beloveds, it is all well. I ask you to not beat yourself up when you feel the confusion. And I ask you, to focus more now on what is happening within you, instead of looking and focusing outside of yourself.

All external situations will take care of themselves, beautifully, in Divine Timing. There is a Divine Plan unfolding on the planet that cannot be ignored nor escaped. However, for the ordinary people, the best thing for you to do, is choose to connect with You! The Love that You Are and you have always been.

Imagine these qualities within you as having different colours and characteristics that are there to serve you, uplift you and make you feel good. These are Love. Happiness. Kindness. Gratitude/Thankfulness. Excitement. Peace. Harmony. Calmness. Response. Receiving. Awareness of Self, just to mention a few.

Beloveds, you are all natural, innate walking encyclopaedias of All Source/God Qualities. You have believed lies about yourselves for a very long time. It is time that you believe differently now.

You can then just choose in your day, what qualities you wish to experience within you. Intention is your power as you choose to experience whatever quality. So, for example, you make an intention to be kind. With kindness it’s best to start by being kind to yourself first. What do you choose to do as a way of kindness to yourself? Or what do you choose to be, feel, all day? And the feelings that you choose to experience, will actually help you be aware in every moment, what thoughts you are focusing on. And then that will lead you to changing the way you think and feel. Beloveds, choosing kindness to yourself will open you up to changing for the better for yourself. And your confidence and self esteem will rise for the best.

And if you choose to be kind to yourself, you will also notice, and be aware of many thoughts that are your resistance to kindness to yourself. For example, what negative judgments and thoughts are you harbouring about a situation in your experience? What do you choose? To hurt yourself by holding on to situations that are tormenting you? What is that self torment doing to each and every cell of your body?

Beloveds, are you aware that you are each powerful creators of your lives? This means you are also powerful creators of dis-eases in your bodies. Illnesses do not come from outside of you, but rather, from the way you think and feel. I ask you to be kind to yourself by creating a beautiful, life and body that is filled with vibrant health and vitality. Filled with wellness. Beloveds, you are in this planet to enjoy your life. Enjoying your life means being healthy. Being alive in so many ways. Appreciating yourself and everything that you create with joy, happiness, love, peace and excitement about yourself and others in your life. Being grateful for being alive and being You!

Drop all baggages that you are carrying. Forgive yourself and forgive others too, in your circles. Carry a light rucksack, not a heavy one as you navigate through your path. And Love yourself. When you love yourself, you will be kind to yourself first, and deal with all the limitations that are a huge burden within you. You will forgive yourself and let go of judgments of self and others. You will realise each and every person and experience they bring into your life, is part of your journey’s purpose and lessons. How you respond and not re-act to situations because re-acting is living in the past. Repeating the self torture that happened in the past. When you respond to this moment, you are helping yourself to let go and lessen your internal burdens, that may slowly eat away at your beautiful body in different ways. Let go of blaming. Do not live with painful thoughts and memories. Bury them in the past with all your love and ask yourself, what is my new beginning in this moment, and the next? What beauty is around me in this moment? What makes me happy right now?

Beloveds, do not live in fear. Tomorrow never comes and yet it is loaded with FEAR! What happened to you, in the past is also loaded with FEAR! It’s filled with your niggling resentments which then slowly affect your health as the time passes. Stop there, Beautiful Souls, and stop carrying rucksacks filled with pain, suffering, resentment, anger, hatred, and that rucksack as it grows bigger, your body and your cells are screaming for HELP! Please do not do this to your bodies. Be very mindful of where you are at in every moment, be where joy resides, where happiness resides, where forgiveness resides, where a light rucksack is happy to accompany you, wherever you go.

I love each and everyone of you deeply.

I thank you Nomanono for this moment.

I am Lady Quan Yin

~Lady Quan Yin

A Moment with Apollo (15/01/25)

Beautiful Souls of planet Earth, I Apollo, the Greek Sun God; the Son of Zeus, come to you now, in this moment, with my deepest love for...


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