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A Moment with Grandmother Anna (03/10/24)

Beloved Beautiful Souls, I, Grandmother Anna come to you in this moment with my deepest love for each and everyone of you. You are here in this moment, navigating your amazing journeys, in the way that you chose, long before you came to the planet. It is just that when you were making decisions, together with your Source Self/God Self; you were filled with excitement, love and a lot of uplifting intentions and you missed something, that the forgetfulness agreement would still be in place at the time of your birth. So, immediately you were born, most of your beautiful and wonderful plans, were then quickly forgotten, as you got conditioned and programmed by your environment. You took on the fears that were deliberately created through manipulation, over many generations. You felt unworthy and not good enough. You forgot the basic foundation of who you were. The most expansive, powerful, multifaceted and multidimensional being that you are. And then you slowly worked your way out of the dense energies, struggles and suffering, into a space that is easy to manage and you can breathe.

I applaud you because you are doing great work. You are changing the way the planet is with your determination to keep going. It hasn’t been easy for some of you; however; even so, you are rising, raising your vibrations in astounding degrees, especially during the time of chaos that is around you. And the wars that are going on, in different parts of the globe. Some of which you know nothing about.

Some of you are finding yourselves in really desperate and difficult situations and circumstances. This is what you must remember: you are a Powerful Divine Being, in a temporary position, because there are a lot of great and amazing things happening in your world, that are creating the shift which will impact your lives in a positive and meaningful manner.

There are those of you who seem and feel that they have been repeatedly doing their very best, to either find a job or keep themselves in positivity, in order to raise frequencies. However, because of the different environments and places where you are located, the various ways of doing the best that you can, keeps bringing you down. I, Grandmother Anna say to you: yes this is a tough situation that you are going through; but know that it is Not going to last forever. It is temporary. And I ask you to truly remember that you are not alone and you are not a quitter.

If you can just focus on being grateful for the fact that you woke up and are still here in this moment; alive. And there are people who, because of circumstances beyond their control, are finding themselves homeless; I ask those who are Not Homeless and who are able to help, to find ways of helping your brothers and sisters in various benevolent ways and to send them Love from your heart. The intention of LOVE, changing your world, is coming true as I channel this. Amazingly powerful, heart based changes are coming for all of humanity. The powerful energies flooding the planet at this moment, are helping Mother Earth and all of you, to have a better way of living in Divine Timing. So please keep going.

I, Grandmother Anna, now would like to say Thank You a Million Times, to those of you who are consciously and persistently working, and intending; whether with a group, or on your own, in the elevation of the energies of the planet; by focusing on raising your own frequencies, and remembering to focus on this, even during challenging moments; you are able to still look at where you are. This is truly a beautiful and fast way of raising the planet’s vibrations, by focusing on Yourself and where you are. And choosing happiness, joy, love and laughter.

I love each and everyone of you, deeply.

Thank you Nomanono for this opportunity.

I am Grandmother Anna. I thank you.

~ Grandmother Anna


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