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A Moment with Goddess Kuan Yin (27/01/25)

Beloved Beautiful Souls, I, Goddess Kuan Yin come to you now, with my deepest love and compassion. Embracing each and everyone of you in my knowing that the moments that you are in, are mixed with all emotions and feelings.  You are excited as well as wondering what your future will be. What tomorrow will bring,

Beloveds, do not think of the future, instead think of this Now moment. There is no future. Everything is Now! The future was created to keep you in bondage of fear. Fearfulness is thinking about the future. And fearfulness is thinking of painful pasts. You see, the future, tomorrow and yesterday, the past, are huge prisons that have created lots of suffering and struggles for a lot of people. I know this because I lived it too! I know very well how fearful it is to live worrying about your tomorrow and thinking of yesterday’s strife.

Once you decide to embrace the Now moment; your whole perspective and the way you see things change. The moment of Now! It is exactly what it is. When you appreciate this moment, and everything that is happening in this Now moment, the whole of your mindset changes. Even if you feel and know that it is time to go to sleep, you are in this Now moment, because when you wake up, you don’t say; oh, I am in tomorrow, instead you say today. So, where is your tomorrow? It is ALL, in the moment of NOW!

Stop and choose a beautiful mind game for yourself that is going to free you from tomorrow and yesterday. Once you only focus on NOW, you free yourself from fear of what happened yesterday and you free yourself from fear of what will happen tomorrow, because tomorrow never comes. It is a big illusion that has kept humanity in chains of fear, Beloveds.

With the Now moment you can choose to focus on joy and happiness that keeps expanding because when you choose this moment of Now, you are expanding and experiencing this moment Now. And the joy that you feel is Now in each and every moment that you are in. And you are in a position to feel, and monitor your thoughts, change them to beautiful thoughts when you realise that your thoughts are not what you really choose. Then you keep focusing on the joy and happiness of this Now moment.

You see yesterdays help us remain in our memories of pain, suffering and sadness. Whereas, Now, helps us deal with all the suffering, sadness and pains of yesterday, because we are able to release them when we choose to deal with them Now, as they are actually in our cellular structures. Every pain, emotion, struggle is in each and every cell of our bodies right Now, Beloveds. Is it not better to deal with everything, by facing it, going through it, feeling its rawness Now? Even things that happened centuries ago, are still here in your cellular structures, lifetime after lifetime. It is all in the NOW!

Once you get this, the Now moment will change you in ways that you never imagined. You have the power and ability to release your yesterdays and tomorrows, to Not Live in fear. To a powerful, fearless soul, that lives in this Now moment, embracing the purity of your soul. By focusing on joy, happiness and all thoughts and feelings that elevate you, deep gratitude, you are gently purifying your soul, becoming the true love that you are, and have always been, except that you forgot just how powerful and important you are. You are the Light that you forgot about. You are the true Love of yourself. Beloveds, it is Time Now. To shine brightly. Emanate the Beauty, the Love the True Divinity that you are. You have everything you need, deep inside of you. Your first love and the love of your life is You.

Forget about the things outside of you. Forget about the world. Take care of yourself in this moment. Go back to Love. Your Self Love. Your creation of all the beautiful things you desire and choose to experience, is deep within you.

I love each and everyone of you, Beloveds.

Thank you Nomanono for this moment of Now.

I am Goddess Kuan Yin. I thank you.

~ Goddess Kuan Yin


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