Beautiful Beloved Souls, I, Goddess Isis, come to you in this moment with tremendous Love in my Soul, for each and everyone of you. I come in a celebratory spirit, trusting and wishing that you are all in this energy of celebration. You may ask what Am I celebrating? I Am celebrating both of us; all of us. And I am celebrating multitudes of things, situations in your reality and existence.
Because right now, you can see and read these words easily, is that not something to celebrate? Celebrating You, Beloveds. Not something outside of you, instead something that is beautiful within. That is perfectly you, your own creation. The Creator that You Are!
Beloveds, it is time to be totally and completely in deep gratitude for your own creation. What you are creating in each and every moment. The way you are focusing and intending to create. Beloveds, you have come this far, at a place and point where the whole planet is filled with more light that is love, more than the fears that have held earth in dense energies for centuries; not by focusing on fear and pain, but by joy, happiness, deep gratitude and excitement. You have done and you continue to do amazingly well beloveds. Your wishes and desires for a world where there are no more wars and no more hunger, no more suffering and hatred; but love of one another, is lighting up planet earth in a way that hasn’t happened in centuries. That’s the reason for celebrating.
If you haven’t been focusing on this, then please start. It is never too late to start; and start for real and with determination to change your life for the better.
You are very powerful creators beloveds. Everything that you are or have experienced, is not coming from outside of you. It’s there because you have created it. You already know this. And what I am here to encourage you to do, and asking You To Decide is:
BE Happy Now! How do you do that you may ask me. I tell you this: you have so many things at your disposal that you can start being grateful for. If you have taken someone or something for granted, change your mindset and truly be in deep gratitude, for that someone or something.
Deep gratitude is not what you think, Beloveds. It is the feelings that are coming from your heart and you feel that gratitude in your body and truly know it’s from your heart and soul. When you can honestly feel that gratitude for someone or something, what you are doing is allowing and opening your whole body and being to Receiving good things, amazing things that you didn’t expect. You are creating wonderful changes in your reality. And the more you are grateful, the more things and situations show up in your experience to be grateful for.
This life on earth is an amazing game of creation beloveds. Hold onto the beautiful, good things. Leave the things that you held on to, in the past, truly in the past. Do Not Torture Yourselves With Pain, Struggles And Suffering.
When painful memories show up, sit with them and feel them. Do not brush them aside and rush into burying them. Instead go deeper into them because they are showing up in order for you to release, resolve and let go with love and forgiveness. Forgiveness is your best ally in such situations. It frees your heart and soul. For you need to be free from all that doesn’t serve you. You need to fly high with Happiness, Joy, Peace, Love and Excitement of Your Amazingly, Beautiful, Creations in your year of 2025.
If you are caught up in the chaos that is happening in some parts of the world, be very grateful for being able to breathe; for that means you still can create, from the ashes, beautiful things and lives for yourselves. TRUST! Always Trust that in everything and experience, there is something good coming your way, and however grim the situation may seem, something beautiful will come out of it. That’s a given, no matter how dark and painful, something good will show up.
I love you deeply, beloveds.
Thank you Nomanono for this wonderful moment.
I am Goddess Isis. I thank you.
~ Goddess Isis