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A Moment with Commander Ashtar (10/11/24)

Beloved Beautiful Souls, I Commander Ashtar come to you in this moment, with my pure love and compassion. I shower each and everyone of you with my energies of peace, love and clarity. I come in particular and most importantly, to say to this one, Nomanono, “what you requested be done, was done and we applaud you for being fearless and acting instead, with wisdom, when presented with a situation that would have affected every soul, human, in the whole planet, negatively.”

We thank you and ask you to rest now, and let your body, be healed, for it has taken a huge amount of energies that have affected you, feeling like you have a cold, and coughing. These are the signs of what you were faced with. Unable to tell any of your friends but your two daughters, and a few beings that we guided you to, of what had been presented to you, because your Universal Grandmother instincts kicked in, abundantly, to protect all of Humanity and the Planet.

Beloved, I, Commander Ashtar Am truly happy to say, be free to go about your days, enjoying your life in the best way that you choose. You no longer carry the burden that you were presented with. And remember, there are no accidents. This was part of what you chose to do at this time. We thank you, on behalf of all of us, off planet beings and those in planet.

I, Commander Ashtar, ask each and everyone of you reading these words, to be vigilant these days, as there may be situations that are presented to you, surprising, to say the least, unexpected; and when faced with such situations; Do Not Go Into Fear! Instead, Ask Us to help! And it doesn’t matter how many times you need to keep asking us, in whatever ways that you feel we can be reached. The thing is, we are always very close to you. However, because you do not see us, you think that in times of crisis, we may be far from you.

In the case that Nomanono received the communication that tested her strength and trust in Spirit and The Galactic World; we read that with her, for we followed it from its source. This is a beautiful world you live in beloveds. And your intuition is the guiding force of light in whatever you do.

I, Commander Ashtar, ask each one of you, to trust your hearts. Not what you are a slave to, through programming over the years. Which in turn has become for some of you, habitual. Your Inner Being/Source Self, is, at all times, wanting you to listen and be guided intuitively.

When you are tapped into your intuition, even at the toughest moments that you face, your deep trust and knowing that ALL IS WELL, will serve you best, because when you ask from trust and knowing that all is done in the way that it is, you already know what you know and what your Source Self is telling you.

Beloveds, the times ahead are beautiful, amazing as well as chaotic. What do you choose for yourself? What is in your heart and soul? Are you choosing to flourish and flow gloriously for you as you? Looking within you and NOT outside of you? You see, you are Love. And as Love; do you Love Unconditionally? Or does your Love has moments when it is Conditionally Loving? When you love unconditionally it is because you primarily Love each and every part of you, totally and completely. You are the Love of Yourself, first and foremost, then your love for that which is outside of you is Unconditional. Because you trust and love yourself totally and completely.

If you are open to beauty, love, happiness, joy and excitement about your future, based on your own personal creations, what you wish to experience, focus on deep gratitude. Be in truly deep gratitude in every moment of your existence, and your life and reality will show you the beautiful evidences, of support as you navigate your daily journey.

I love each and everyone of you, Beloveds.

Thank you Nomanono, for being who you are and for this wonderful opportunity.

I am Commander Ashtar. I thank you.

~ Commander Ashtar


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