Beloved Beautiful Souls, I Archangel Michael come to each and everyone of you, showering you with my vast deep love and deep peace. I celebrate each and everyone of you for all the efforts you are making in keeping your frequencies high in the midst of a lot that is going on in your lives and the world right now. Yes, keep on with your intentions because they are pillars of your journeys. A journey without a clear intention and vision of where one is going, is no journey at all.
The Powerful energies that are continually being poured into the earth on the request and directive of the Creator/Source, are fast purging you through feeling ill or unwell; of all that doesn’t serve you. The old energies that need to get out of your bodies and energy fields are finding their way out.
And maintenance of the new energies that are in your bodies, replacing the old, need to be intentionally nurtured Beloveds. It’s a beautiful journey ahead that needs your conscious attention and focus. If you think about it, it’s kindness to self, because you cannot afford to go back to old habits and ways. The new ways are being aware of your own body. Your own energies. Once you get that, you cannot go wrong because you are feeling every part of yourself. Whether it’s in your skin or inside your belly. You just know where there is an imbalance within you.
Just be grateful that you are being helped, even when you don’t feel like you are being helped. Be grateful because whatever you are going through, is here to help you out Beloveds, as long as you are still breathing, you have a choice to live, beautifully, in joy, love, peace, happiness. And in vibrant health, vitality and wellness. You have so much potential and new possibilities and opportunities.
This is time to rejoice and really focus on creating better and beautiful lives, Beloveds. It has never been so good, a planet on the cusp of brilliant beautiful happenings! We, in the Angelic Kingdom are celebrating every moment. Please celebrate with us. Celebrate your own personal achievements. Jump for joy. Envision all your wishes and desires already manifested; fulfilled.
I, Archangel Michael, have been with most of you during your many incarnations. And I can truly say that, this time you are all excelling in ways that are beyond any of our expectations. I congratulate you all, for your journey is bright, beautiful and filled with happiness ahead.
I love each and everyone of you.
Thank you Nomanono for this wonderful moment.
I am Archangel Michael and I thank you.
~Archangel Michael