Beloveds, we are with you and continue to be with you. We walk with you, not physically, but wherever you are, we are with you. In this moment, we are very aware of the individual chaos that some of you are experiencing. And we are here to say; even though what you are currently experiencing, seems like it is never going to end; it is Beloveds.
You have so many of us, with different varying skills, capabilities and more knowledge of dealing with these situations that you are going through. It is also a time for you to learn to listen to your intuition. And if you find yourself unable to focus on the meditations that are there for you to go into your inner stillness, know that, you are only going through temporary chaos that will pass. Nothing lasts forever beloveds, because everything leads you to a higher intention for something better.
We have said in the past, 2024 is a year of many challenges in the world as well as individual, personal challenges/chaos. You are all already seeing chaos in the world, and there is also chaos on some people’s personal lives.
This is where, in this moment, we are choosing to focus on. For the chaos in the world we ask you to Hand Over That You Have No Control Over, To The Source Of Creation; and DO NOT Worry yourself about any of it!
However, for personal situations that affect you physically, this is where we ask you, to keep on calling on All Your Spirit Guides and Your Ancestors to Help You! It may be a pain in your body somewhere, that becomes very difficult for you to even breathe slowly and deeply; in order to let it subside; please continue asking, because we are able to give you insights towards things that you can purchase and apply onto the areas of pain in your bodies.
And while you do this, we are communicating with each other In Spirit, working out solutions that are permanent. Please do not despair beloveds. Perseverance is needed at times; especially when one is dealing with karmic situations, because that energy is fighting against being removed and released.
Especially if it has been in your body for all of your lifetime, for whatever reasons. It is an energy that sees your body as its home, and therefore it fights you with all it has. Know this Beloveds, You are winning at every moment that your intention is Freedom and a Fresh Start; choosing change for the better in your life. And knowing without a shadow of doubt that You Are Worthy. You Are Love. You Deserve All The Beautiful Things And Experiences In This Life. That You Are Worthy Of All The Magnificent Living Lifestyle. The Age Reversal! All the things that you were meant to be and enjoy in every incarnation, beloveds.
The aging process was never meant for the human race, but it happened. So now, you all have opportunities to Start Afresh. Keep asking Beloveds, for all this beautiful life is yours. It is a matter of time, for each and everyone of you, has your own special journey. We love each and everyone of you deeply.
Thank you Nomanono for this precious moment. I Am Alcazar of The Alcazar Group of Universal Masters. And we thank you.
~ Alcazar